Is Formula Milk As Good As Mother’s Milk ?


 Breast milk, often known as mother’s milk, is milk secreted by mammary glands in a woman’s breast. It contains protein, fat, carbs (lactose and human milk oligosaccharides), and a variety of minerals and vitamins and is the main part of the diet for babies. So, when a baby is born it is the first choice of every mother. Gradually, this scenario is changing due to the advent of formula milk. 


Formula Milk

Formula milk is a powdered or liquid-based food produced and sold for feeding to newborns and babies under the age of one year. It is commonly produced for cup-feeding or bottle-feeding. It is generally developed using cow’s milk, but sometimes you can find it using goat milk or plant-based milk. 


Nutrients In Formula Milk

It contains lactose (a natural carbohydrate found in milk) and/or additional sugars like fructose, corn syrup, or maltodextrin. Plant-based oils including coconut, palm, soybean, and sunflower oil are also present in formula milk. Additionally, it contains fatty acids, which are generally produced from fish oil, vitamins and minerals from plant and animal sources, as well as a few enzymes and amino acids. Some formulae may also contain probiotics. Although various companies are trying to get a formula similar to breast milk, they are not even close yet.  


Many Benefits Of Mother’s Milk

Even though formula milk gives many nutrients and hydration to your baby, it still falls far behind mother’s milk in different aspects: 


Health Of Your Baby

Breast milk has several advantages over formula, one of which is that it is a living fluid. It adjusts to your child’s shifting needs. As a result, if your infant gets ill, your body produces more WBCs (White Blood Cells) and antibodies, which pass through your milk and aid in the battle against the disease. Breast milk protects your baby by lowering his risk of diarrhoea, gastroenteritis, ear ailments, common cold, and flu, as well as reducing his chance of unexpected infant death syndrome (SIDS) to half. Your nursed kid will be less likely to become obese, and his risks of developing type 1 and 2 diabetes, as well as some malignancies, will be decreased throughout his life. 


Mother’s Health

Breastfeeding consumes up to 500 calories each day, which would aid you to lose weight faster after the baby. Breastfeeding for a prolonged time reduces the chance of breast, uterine, and ovarian cancers, as well as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. 


Time And Money 

Breastfeeding is generally less expensive. Formula milk will cost you more. Additionally, nursing saves you time in general because you don’t have to do as much cleaning, sanitizing, heating water, or preparing a formula bottle. After all, your milk is constantly available at the proper temperature. 


Formula Milk or Mother’s Milk, which is best?

WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding to infants and babies. However, mothers who are unable to breastfeed or babies who need added nutrients may opt for formula milk, which is a healthy option. It offers the nutrition that newborns require to develop and thrive. If you require any help regarding baby feeding then it is best to consult an expert. Smart Hospital offers one of the best pediatricians in Ghaziabad, who can resolve your doubts or queries regarding the health of your baby. 

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