Sinus Infection

Sinus Infection- Causes & Symptoms

Sinus Infection- Causes & Symptoms

Is it just a blocked nose or severe sinus? We’ve all had a clogged nose or pain in the facial nerves that worsens when you lie down. There’s a good chance you or your child has sinusitis or a sinus infection if you or your child has a lot of colds, dental discomfort, exhaustion, and other symptoms. Furthermore, allergens, pollution, dust, and other factors contribute to acute and chronic sinusitis, which can lead to long-term health issues.

Let us first try to understand what sinusitis is before we look at how it affects the body’s respiratory organs.

In general terms, sinuses are air-filled chambers that can be found between the eyes, behind the cheekbones, in the forehead, and at the base of the skull in people who are healthy. The mucus produced by the sinuses keeps the interior of the nose wet and protects us from dust, allergies, and pollution. Recurrent viral or bacterial infections, on the other hand, cause the sinuses to swell with fluid, obstructing the nasal tube.


Sinusitis is one of India’s most frequent disorders, caused by allergies, rhinitis, nasal polyps, deviated septum, and other factors. As a result, treating sinusitis is not only necessary but also the best option. FESS (functional endoscopic sinus surgery) is a surgical treatment for treating sinusitis and improving breathing by removing any impediment.

In this blog we will precisely discuss:

  1. What causes sinus?
  2. How do I know I have Sinus Infection?
  3. How to diagnose & treat Sinus?


Sinus infection or sinusitis is caused when the fluid (mostly mucus) blocks the air-filled pouches leading to sinus infection. Sinusitis is an inflammation that is most commonly caused by a virus or bacterial infection.

Although these (good) bacteria are already present in our noses to protect us from various respiratory infections and diseases.  However, they might become harmful with the body’s immune system is weak.

Other reasons that may cause sinus are high fever and certain food allergies.

How do I Know I have Sinus?

It’s not difficult to tell the difference between a sinus infection and a cold. Early indicators of sinus infection include a stuffy nose, sore throat, cough, and a diminished sense of smell. Sinusitis, on the other hand, might be acute or chronic, depending on how long you’ve been suffering from the symptoms.

Acute sinusitis rarely causes trouble breathing through the nose and normally clears up in four weeks. If left untreated, chronic sinusitis can persist anywhere from 8 to 12 weeks to many years. Here are some of the most common sinusitis symptoms that can indicate the presence of a sinus infection:

  • Throbbing pain in the facial  nerves
  • Ear pressure
  • Recurrent flu
  • Headache
  • Extreme Fatigue
  • Nasal inflammation
  • Pain your upper jaw and teeth
  • Swelling around eyes, cheeks, nose, or forehead.
  • A congested and blocked nose causes difficulty in breathing.

How is it Diagnosed?

Sinusitis symptoms vary from patient to patient, depending on their medical state, the severity of the infection, the type of infection (viral or bacterial), and other factors. As a result, a comprehensive diagnosis and determination of the reason for the clogged nose must be sought from a physician. To distinguish between acute and chronic sinusitis, a number of medical specialists use modern diagnostic procedures. Among the diagnostic tests available are:

Imaging Tests: Extensive testing like x-rays and CT scans can assist provide detailed images to discover any inflammation or physical blockage caused by polyps, tumors, or other irritants that may be causing inflamed sinuses.

Nasal endoscopy:  An ENT specialist inserts a thin, flexible tube into the nasal passage and uses a fiber-optic light to evaluate any deviation or obstruction caused by polyps, tumors or other factors.

Nasal and sinus discharge samples: The surgeon takes a swab sample of nasal discharge to see if the sinus infection is caused by bacteria or fungus.

Tests for existing allergies: Nasal blockage is frequently caused by allergies. Allergy skin tests may be recommended by ENT doctors to determine the presence of allergens.

Inflammation of the tissues lining the sinuses causes sinus infections. To improve breathing, the ENT professional seeks to eliminate any obstruction in the nasal canal. Doctors typically provide medicines, antibiotics, nasal decongestant sprays, and other treatments for acute sinusitis. Even if the symptoms have subsided, it is critical to finish the entire course of antibiotics for the specified time period.

How is Sinus Treated?

Surgical and non-surgical methods can be used to treat sinus infections, depending on the kind of infection and whether the infection is acute or persistent. The following surgical procedures can be used to treat sinus infections:

  • FESS
  • Sinuplasty of the balloon
  • Turbinectomy is a procedure that reduces the size of the turbin
  • Sinus ostial dilatation surgery is a procedure that involves dilation of the sinuses.

Best ENT specialist in Ghaziabad

Acute Sinusitis needs medical attention because the pain and blockages worsens in no time. ENT specialist Dr Abhishek Jain at Smart Hospital, Ghaziabad offers one of the best treatments for acute sinus in Delhi NCR.  He holds 6+ years of vast experience in treating Ear Nose and Throat related infections.

CLICK HERE to book an Appointment now!


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